



She offers 1-on-1 Nutrition Guidance and Direction for Athletes of all levels.

Favorite Barbell Movement – Clean & Jerk

Favorite Gymnastic Movement – Ring Muscle Up

Favorite Benchmark Workout – Diane

Certifications – CCFT (CrossFit L-3), CrossFit Nutrition L-1, Bachelors of Health and Fitness

With a strong athletic background, particularly in soccer, I've always been tough and determined, shaped by being the youngest of five. However, it wasn’t until after college that I discovered my passion for fitness. During an internship at a big-box gym, I had the fortune of meeting Coach Kyle, who introduced me to the methodology and sport of CrossFit.

As a Coach, my goal is to help individuals forge meaningful, lasting, and life-changing relationships with fitness and fellow members of the Stay Strong community. I aim to inspire each person to pursue a lifetime of health and happiness, both within and outside the gym. I find immense joy in sharing in the “aha!” moments as members achieve new goals and surpass their own expectations.

In my free time, I actively compete in the sport of CrossFit and have had the honor of making five appearances on the Semifinal stage. Outside of the gym, you'll find me participating in various fitness activities and enjoying long nature walks with my doggo, BrockAli :)

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Chat with a coach about how Stay Strong CrossFit can help you achieve your goals.

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